

目前顯示的是 2016的文章

dash cams night performance 2016

Top left: Shadow 1s (Sony IMX322 CMOS - Ambarella A7) Top right: XiaoYi Yi dashcam (Aptina AR0230 CMOS - Novatek NT96660) Bottom left: Viofo A119 (Omnivision OV4689 CMOS - Novatek NT96660) Bottom right GitUp Git1 (Sony IMX322 CMOS - Novatek NT96655) All cameras were set to default settings, 1080p 30fps except XiaoYi which was set to 60fps and the Shadow 1s have the Night mode on Auto and because of this sometimes the image is just black and white and this is a NORMAL situation for Auto setting of photosensitive sensor. Anytek A3 vs Xiaomi Yi vs SeeZues GT550WS(above) dashcamtalk

X-47B and F/A-18 combined operations on Roosevelt

HiSilicion 3518C vs 3518E

同位100W的模组 3518E的模组,NTSC,与PAL都是主码流25帧,当主码流为25帧是子码流D1 只有6帧,当子码流D1 25帧时 主码流720P只有16帧 3518C的模组,NTSC主辅码流都为30帧,PAL主辅码流都为25帧 同位 130W模组 3518E: IPG 53H13PE-S NTSC 主码流960P,最大为20帧,同时辅码流D1为2帧,cif为11帧,主码流720P最大27帧,同时辅D1为2帧,cif为8帧  当辅码流D1为30帧时 主码流960P为12帧,720P为16帧 PAL 主码流 960P最大20帧,同时辅码流 D1为2帧,cif为9帧 ,主码流 720P 25帧时,辅码流 D1为6帧,cif为25帧, 当辅码流D1为25帧时,主码流960P为12帧,720P为16帧 3518C: NTSC主辅码流都为30帧,PAL主辅码流都为25帧 芯片上的差别: 3518E 处理器内核是:ARM9@Max.440MHz,16KB-Cache,16KB D-Cache 3518C 处理器内核是:ARM926@ 440MHz,16KB-Cache,16KB D-Cache 3518E相比3518C的有多集成了一个16bit DDR2 ,最大容量512M 3518E  CBR/VBR/ABR 码率控制是16kbit/s~20Mbit/s 3518C  CBR/VBR  码率控制是32kbit/s~40Mbit/s 3518C的ISP 支持去雾,支持镜头畸变校正,支持图像mirror,flip  支持数字WDR和tone mapping 而 3518E不支持 3518E的芯片功耗是900mW 3518C的芯片功耗是 700mW

AR0130 vs IMX225 IP CAM module

from bbs of xiongmai IPG-53H13PE-S、IPG-54H13PE-S两款模组都采用了海思HI3518E的主控芯片,38*38单板结构;不同的是 IPG-53H13PE-S的sensor为1/3”ARO130低照度CMOS传感器,彩色最低照度为0.1lux@F1.2; IPG-54H13PE-S的sensor为1/3”IXM225低照度CMOS传感器,彩色最低照度为0.001lux@F1.2。 通过这张图我们能大致的看出星光级摄像机(右IMX225)在夜间光照环境较差的情况下的表现。强制彩色的普通低照度模组(左AR0130)以及丢失了很多大楼的细节,楼顶的情况以及看不清楚了。而星光级摄像机整体就要好很多。三幢大楼都能看得较为清楚。画面下方植被的颜色也能看的较为清楚。 这(上圖)是强制彩色的普通低照度设备(AR0130),画面噪点较多。细节丢失严重。   这( 上圖IMX225) 是星光级摄像机抓图效果,画面细节表现较好。画面亮度适中,噪点控制较好。  

planetary camera comparison

From cloudynights: discussion on pixel size, resolution, barlow lens, PFS, FPS this one from smartsenstech SC1020, is quite interesting,  to be determined 分辨率      100万 像素阵列    1280Hx720V 像素尺寸    6umx6um 镜头光学尺寸     1/1.8”(8.81mm) 最大图像传输速率      1280Hx720V@60fps 输出接口     12-bit DVP并行接口 输出格式     RAW RGB 灵敏度       8800mV/Lux-s             动态范围     78dB 信噪比      38dB 工作温度   范围     -30°C~ + 70°C 最佳工作温度   范围     -20°C~ + 50°C 电源电压       AVDD=3.3V                     DVDD=1.5V(支持内部供电)                     DOVDD=1.8~3.3V 封装      48pin PLCC

IP Camera Board low light comparison - IMX225

from sbszoo seems IMX225 is the best performing sony's announcement on 2014 and his project Equipment stability, environmental adaptability and security is more and more important ,so our company specially developed the new starlight IPG-54H13PE-S HD Module, using Hislicon Hi3518E, 3 in 1 single card module, standard 38mm*38mm location, simple and convenient, products of high speed, easy assembly for all kinds of shell; support IR-CUT, sensors, coding, transmission. Free CMS client, realize the video / preview / playback, support for wide area network transmission. To provide NVR/HVR system with high stability requirements, in order to provide MEYE platform centralized monitoring and management system requirements, open SDK, developed for the customer. Specifications IPG-54H13PE-S System Structure Embedded RTOS design, dual-core 32-bit DSP (Hi3518E), pure hardware compression, watchdog; Sensor 1

Street Guardian SG9665GC - dashcam using imx322

SG9665GC dashcamtalk DCT forum hot pixel ( loss of calibration ) after firmware upgrade analog imx322 4-in-1 module taobao   ipcam module and this one using TI DM365 processor

SJ4000 vs SJ5000 sportscam

on dashcamtalk

MH370 hypothesis

1. Fire fire accident or minor explosion in the cockpi t, and render the plane to fly without ability to land or steer. The pilot decided to minimise the causualities of plane crash to populated ares, and set the plane to autopilot mode to direction where there is no man's land, just falling unconscious. Plane continues to fly due south to Indian Ocean, and deep dived after it run out of fuel. 2. Suicide the plane was deliberately crashed by the pilot or co-pilot, similar to Lufthansa 9525 3 The plane was shot down other theories on wikipedia

bat plane carrying the nuclear reactor - batman rises

in the ending of the movie the nuclear reactor was detonated and exploded

殲10表演驚傳墜機 女飛官當場死亡

中國空軍傳出表演時失事墜機,造成一死一傷,死者是中國第一位殲10女飛官余旭。 綜合媒體報導,中國八一空軍表演隊今(2016 11月 12日)在天津進行飛行表演時,戰機發生事故墜落到河北玉田縣境,機上兩名飛行員跳傘逃脫,前座飛行員跳傘後只受輕傷,但坐在後座的余旭跳傘時擦撞僚機副翼,當場死亡。 on.cc     中國空軍傳出表演時失事墜機,造成一死一傷,死者是中國第一位殲10女飛官余旭,消息在微博上傳開。     余旭年僅30歲,為中國空軍八一飛行表演隊中隊長。被稱譽為中國空軍的「金孔雀」,也是中國唯四具有表演機飛行資格的女飛行員之一。(圖擷取自網路) 事發後消息在微博上傳開,多名航空界人士及余旭的好友證實死者是女飛官余旭,香港《星島日報》、北京《青年報》也轉載相關訊息,但中國官方媒體尚未證實或說明此事。


今年第三季度发射天宫二号。神舟十一号飞船将乘载两名男航天员 景海鵬和陳冬,与天宫二号完成对接,并在太空驻留30天。今年的载人航天任务将进入应用发展新阶段,在天宫二号上进行多项实验。 “在完成和神舟十一号飞船的交会对接和空间科学实验后,天宫二号还将在2017年上半年验证天舟一号货运飞船的对接和资源补给技术。” 植物生长实验:水稻和拟南芥 今年下半年 2016年 10 月17日 发射升空的天宫二号空间实验室,将开展包括植物生长全周期实验在内的多项科学实验。 “未来太空探索需要人类长期在太空生活。为了探索太空闭环生态系统技术,天宫二号将进行‘从种子到种子’的植物全生育发展过程实验。目前,计划种植水稻、拟南芥两种植物,考察长日照和短日照的不同生长情况。” 中国创举:从天宫分发量子密钥 “空间实验室任务的各次飞行都安排了多项空间科学实验和技术试验项目。”例如天地量子密钥传输试验、激光通信试验等,在信息安全领域有着广泛的应用前景。 这些项目中,大多是当前世界最前沿的探索领域。比如,空间冷原子钟的实验。天宫二号将搭载全球第一台冷原子钟,利用太空微重力条件,稳定度高达10的负16次方。超高精度的原子钟是卫星导航等领域的关键核心技术。再比如三维成像微波高度计,能够在一个宽幅的三维海平面测量中,得到精度优于5厘米的测量结果,将海浪高低测量出来…… “中国一直本着和平开发利用太空的原则,欢迎并致力于国际合作。”天宫二号将搭载中国科学院与瑞士日内瓦大学联合研制的伽马暴探测设备。这台设备比过去国际上类似仪器的探测效率高数十倍。中欧科学家将一起测量宇宙的伽马暴射线和散射状态,从而研究揭示宇宙结构、起源、演化的一些问题。 除此之外,天宫二号还将开展材料制备试验,研究纳米复合光学材料、高性能热电转换材料、高性能合金材料等。 长征七号首飞:搭载新一代载人飞船返回舱 我国无毒低污染新一代中型运载火箭长征七号将于今年6月首飞。它将搭载一个新型缩小比例的飞船返回舱,这是我国载人航天的创新探索项目。一次发射任务囊括试验火箭和飞船返回舱两个新品,这是我国载人航天工程勇于担当、节约高效、跨越发展理念的生动诠释。 长征七号运载火箭2017年将发射我国首款货运飞船天舟一号,它的研发成功标志着我国进入空间能力得到大幅提升,这将为我国从航天大国到航天强国添加精彩一笔。 神舟十一号飞船将乘

Fight simulator records from Zaharie's hard drive

New York has obtained a confidential document from the Malaysian police investigation into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that shows that the plane’s captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, conducted a simulated flight deep into the remote southern Indian Ocean less than a month before the plane vanished under uncannily similar circumstances. The revelation, which Malaysia withheld from a lengthy public report on the investigation, is the strongest evidence yet that Zaharie made off with the plane in a premeditated act of mass   murder-suicide.   MH370's presumed flight path is in yellow. Zaharie's simulated suicide flight is in red. The document presents the findings of the Malaysian police’s investigation into Zaharie. It reveals that after the plane disappeared in March of 2014, Malaysia turned over to the FBI hard drives that Zaharie used to record sessions on an elaborate home-built flight simulator. The FBI was able to recover six deleted d

【信報月刊】兩次爭產家變 李錦記重視家族治理

作為李錦記第四代傳人,李惠中這一輩五兄弟姊妹,在李錦記集團內現時各有自己清晰的分工。不過,富不過三代是許多商業世家的宿命,作為大家長的李文達看到很多家族企業的衰敗都是源於內鬥,於是苦心孤詣設計了一系列家規,包括家族憲法、家族委員會。 李惠中解釋,父親李文達經歷過兩次家變,不想歷史重演,於是痛定思痛未雨綢繆。 六七十年代的香港經歷六七暴動及石油危機,李錦記由創辦人李錦裳的三房後人共同經營。三房人對於香港前景及家族事業的看法截然不同,李文達在父親李兆南的支持下,收購另外兩房的股權。在過程中伴隨着種種的不愉快,關於股權的估值,以及支付條件的約定,都傷了和氣。 第二次家變 兄弟鬩牆 當李錦記在李文達的操持下生意蒸蒸日上時,萬沒有想到再次遭遇家變。這次家變的導火線是李文達的親弟弟李文樂1987年被確診患上鼻咽癌,病重的李文樂提出分家,而且還要清算股權。當時李錦記正在興建大埔廠房,處於發展的關鍵時期。李文達和弟弟協商,提出不要分家。但是幾次溝通都不成功。最後兩兄弟還為了股權到底是六四或是五五分而對薄公堂。 「兩次分家給了我們很大的教訓。」李惠中表示,為了分家悲劇不再重演,李錦記於2002年成立家族委員會,這是家族的溝通平台及最高權力機構、「立法」機構,最初由李文達夫婦及五名子女組成,後來陸續加入第五代成員。 李惠中說:「在這裏,我們不談企業,只研究家族本身的問題。」家族會議第一天主要是「以fun為主」,透過兄妹共讀、高爾夫球等活動,增加彼此了解,後幾天則商量重大家族事宜。 為什麼這麼重視家族呢?「家族可以傳承,企業才得以承傳。如果每個家族成員都湧去管生意,那會產生問題。」 李惠中透露了家族委員會及家族憲法的細節。憲法中有些條文很有趣,其中包括第五代家族成員開始,必須在外面的公司任職三至五年才能加入公司。股權的轉讓,必須在有血緣關係成員之間進行。 不過,為了要與時並進,家族憲法沒有定得很死,只要75%成員投票通過,就可增加及修訂。至於一般的事項則超過五成的票數就可以通過,如果贊成與反對的票數相同,則以擲骰子的方式來決定。 李惠中透露,家族已買了一個骰盅以備不時之需,幸好暫時還未需要動用。「向左或向右都不要緊,因為至少也向前邁出一步,最怕是僵局。」 5/11/2016

blockchain in HK

blockchain : is a distributed database that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called blocks secured from tampering and revision. A blockchain consists of a number of blocks that are linked with each other with each block linked with its previous block. And, each block consists of a batch of timestamped transactions and a hash of previous block. As the blocks are linked with each other forming a chain, hence the name of the database. When new transactions are broadcast to all nodes, each node collect the transactions in a block. All the nodes verify the transactions present in the block and notify one another about their acceptance. When the majority of the nodes agree, the next block is created, linking it with the previous one. The blockchain is a core component of the digital currency bitcoin—conceived in 2008 and first implemented in 2009— where it serves as the public ledger for all transactions. In the bitcoin case, every compatible client is able to c

5 Nov 加辣

港府再推出「辣招」打壓樓市,加辣後,樓價400萬的稅項分分鐘要比多54%﹗而2200萬樓價的稅項則增加28%。 樓價400萬須支付辣稅金額前後分別 樓價:400萬 買家印花稅:辣招前約60萬(相當於樓價15%);             辣招後約60萬(相當於樓價15%); 雙倍印花稅:辣招前約18萬(相當於樓價4.5%);             辣招後約60萬(相當於樓價15%); 兩項辣稅共開支:辣招前78萬(相當於樓價19.5%);                 辣招後120萬(相當於樓價30%); 辣招前後稅項差額約42萬元,上升54%。 ---------------------------------------------- 樓價:2200萬 買家印花稅:辣招前330萬(相當於樓價15%);             辣招後330萬(相當於樓價15%); 雙倍印花稅:辣招前187萬(相當於樓價8.5%);             辣招後330萬(相當於樓價15%); 兩項辣稅共開支:辣招前517萬(相當於樓價23.5%);                 辣招後660萬(相當於樓價30%); 辣招前後稅項差額約143萬,上升28%。 針對對象 香港政府剛再加辣壓抑樓巿,買第二套房投資者須劃一支付15%的新稅率,為何要這樣做? 中原樓價指數第二季拗腰急升,現距離歷史高位僅約3%多一點,政府或不想破頂而再出招。事實上,今年首季雙倍印花稅(DSD)僅有5000餘宗,但 第三季已急升至過萬宗,反映投資需求強勁 (過熱)。 根據戴德梁行的統計,中國今年首8個月向外投資物業金額,美國佔57%為最多,第二位便是香港,佔19%,以香港僅是彈丸之地,如不阻止資金流入,實難令樓價升勢壓止。 至於加辣稅會否有效? 暫尚要觀察,唯若政府強烈表態若樓價再升,例如樓價每升3%,便每一次都調升稅率10%,其殺傷力便不容忽視。   中原地產亞太區住宅部總裁陳永傑 表示,是次政府新一輪樓市調控措施可謂下重藥, 尤其打擊中小型單位 ,以400萬元中小型物業為例,從價印花稅由4.5%躍升至15%,稅率升幅2.3倍,嚴重打擊買家入市意欲;大型單位亦受影響,即使最高稅率為8.5%,現時劃一變成15%,稅率升幅仍達76%,仍為買家


《終南別業》-王維 中歲頗好道,晚家南山陲。 興來每獨往,勝事空自知。 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。 偶然值林叟,談笑無還期。   【語譯】 中年以後,我頗喜愛佛理,晚年便隱居在終南山的邊上。 興致來的時候,就獨來獨往,箇中的快意,只有自己才能知曉。 我走到水源的盡頭,坐下來,看雲霧升起。 偶爾也會碰到住在山林中的老頭兒,談得開心起來,便忘了回家

MH370 debris analysis update

from ATSB on 2 Nov, 2016 Additional analysis of the burst frequency offsets associated with the final satellite communications to and from the aircraft is consistent with the aircraft being in a high and increasing rate of descent at that time .(end-of-flight scenario) Additionally, the wing flap debris analysis reduced the likelihood of end-of-flight scenarios involving flap deployment. Preliminary results of the CSIRO’s drift analysis indicated it was unlikely that debris originated from south of the current search area . The northernmost simulated regions were also found to be less likely. Drift analysis work is ongoing and is expected to refine these results. CNN on 3 Nov: MH370 out of control and spiraling fast before crash, report says


中華鄧氏族譜網 邓氏越南公宗亲后裔联谊会简讯 panoramio photos  鄧氏合族祠 越南公,乳达礼,讳士林,字茂显,号越南,江西人也。 越南公,公糟读书,怒施济,忠诚守礼,言能捕行,珠玑里人奉为榜样。 北宋仁宗时,自江西吉安府太和县(今泰和县),徙南雄郡保昌邑沙水村珠玑巷。熙宁七年,公三十四,奉诏南徙,至 南海 金紫堡狮北井头村驻足,开枝散叶。公生十五子,收养一男以成十六,后人称十六邓。所传公好读书,喜施济,忠厚守礼,言能逮行,家室唱随和睦,相敬如宾,珠玑、金紫之人奉为表率,仙后被追封为礼部侍郞。后人由此而于其墓碑刻上“宋礼部侍郞邓公之墓”之字样。  念七郎 娶陈氏,原居黄马坑;福森公娶何氏,分支洞神堂;真吾公又分支广西,又分支江南凰阳府;三棣公又分支松柏村;真吾公又分支莘尾村。 CUHK microfilm  合族祠,位于南海狮山银岗(掘银岗)。始建于元末明初,溯上大修于清光绪年间,迫拆于一九五四年,重建于今。   合族祠建筑恢弘而简朴,三大堂高崇宽敞,中堂挂匾“元恺堂”,金色灿灿,格外夺目。祠中梁柱粗大结实,雕梁画栋之龙凤花草、山水鸟兽,栩栩如生。左右青云巷笔直宽阔,青石铺之。巷门额石左刻“腾蛟”,右刻“起凤”。左右偏房对称而建,各三间,设置略显新潮——分别设有睡房、厨房、蓄物房,会客厅等。全祠有大小天井六。   古祠座东南而面西北,背靠掘银岗,高临池塘沃野,遥眺祖籍―—江西太和。其气派非凡,周边难觅!   合族祠,其实名曰“越南邓祖祠”,乃居于各地之族人敬祖重根,为纪念十六邓之始祖越南公而建。


顺德黎姓: 原居地,江西卢宁县,迁往珠玑巷时间,宋末元初靖康建炎,迁出珠玑巷时间,宋末元初宋淳熙年间(一一七四 至 一一八八年) 迁往地方,北滘泮浦勒流清源桃源,迁移原因,弃官避乱至雄。 google map 百度  黎氏宗親會 珠璣巷 黎氏家譜網 《顺德县地名志》: 潢涌黎氏的開基始祖名叫黎宿。值得一提的是,這位黎宿就是古代著名的“二十四孝”故事中“割股療親”的主角。這座掛着“忠孝堂”木匾的黎氏大宗祠,就是爲紀念他而建造的。   據考證,黎姓是珠璣巷南遷後裔中在廣東省分佈最廣的姓氏,遍及南海、順德、中山、番禺、東莞等地。其中,番禺黎氏原居姑蘇,早在唐代就有遷入珠璣巷的記載;南海黎氏原籍河南開封,宋代靖康年間遷入珠璣巷; 順德黎氏原籍江西盧寧,宋末元初爲避戰亂遷入珠璣巷,駐留不久,又因戰亂遷出。  佛山古蹟: 黎氏家庙 及民居群 . 顺德区杏坛镇昌教村昌教小学右侧.  清. 位于 杏坛昌教 。建于清同治元年(1862年)。坐南向北,三间四进,总面阔29.39米,总进深53米。整座建筑基础为白色花岗岩石,青砖筑墙。 第一进正门前是白色花岗岩石铺地。门楣上刻有“黎氏家庙”四个大字。两侧有白色花岗岩石包台,砖木石构件,上均有雕刻,题材有人物及鸟兽。内墙有壁画。 第二进是御书亭。御书亭内地面铺砌白石。东、西、北均有石台阶和石栏。亭中有“圣旨”、“金牌”牌匾。 黎氏家庙及民居群是典型的岭南风格,其周围环境是典型的水乡生态环境。黎氏家庙及民居群的主人是黎兆棠,历任礼部主事、总理衙门章京、台湾道台,任职为官时,以爱国御侮著称。民居群中黎兆棠的宅院布局,迂回曲折、灵巧活泼。它的周围为黎氏族人建造的民居,民居群据称有99道门,俗称“大宅门” 路州黎氏大宗祠. 顺德区乐从镇路州村东头坊. 建于明崇祯庚辰仲夏,清同治六年和宣统元年先后重修.  清源黎氏宗祠: ugo mapbar   均安黎氏宗祠  北滘桃村黎氏宗祠 桃村报功祠古建筑群(含金紫名宗、黎氏三世祠)  . 顺德区北滘镇桃村上街6号.始建于明代,清乾隆四十三年重修. 桃村是一个具有水乡特色的地方,村内河网环绕,绿树成荫,有着深厚的历史文化底蕴,现存一个祠堂古建筑群,包括有报功祠(省历史文物保护单位)、黎氏光泽堂、三

cooling and thermal noise reduction on Canon 1100D

Excellent experiment and documentation from Njal Brekke that on Canon 1100D Cooling the sensor below 0 °C gives virtually no improvement in noise level, even for ISO1600 and 10 minute exposures. At exposure times shorter than 60 s the read-out (bias) noise is dominating, and the dark noise has negligible contribution to the total image noise. Cooling to a modest 10 °C should therefore sufficient to eliminate dark/thermal noise at exposure values shorter than about 180 s. At exposures longer than 180 s, cooling the sensor to 0 °C is sufficient. This camera is using a 12.2 MP CMOS APS-C sensor. Sensitivity test from DXOMark

Samsung galaxy note 7 fire

According to a person familiar with discussions between government agencies and Samsung, the SDI batteries from the first batch of Note 7s were indeed too large for the handset. The regulator also pointed to the battery design within the phone’s rounded edges. Dialog DA9155 charging chip, alongside the familiar MAXIM power IC. Importantly, this DA9155 does not appear to be found inside the Galaxy S7 or S7 edge. This chip is a slave charger that extends the current capabilities of a master power IC for increased charging currents up to an additional 2500mA . It’s controlled by the application processor (AP) and, interestingly, kicks in during the high-power constant current charging stage. A combination of causes “[Samsung] was too quick to blame the batteries; I think there was nothing wrong with them or that they were not the main problem,” – Park Chul-wan, former director of the Center for Advanced Batteries at the Korea Electronics Technology Institute An

raspberry pi clones

Interesting discussion of open sourced VPU bootloader for Raspberry Pi from CNX Krista Brooks's GitHub and her blog, ,  raspi-internals and hacker news:    Actually, the bulk SDRAM/ARM work was done by me in the space of around month (though I only ARM to finally work three days ago with Herman's help). You could run Linux on ARM using this but you would need to write some more drivers, otherwise you'd be limited to pretty much GPIO/serial/SDHOST PIO. SDHOST is actually a fairly trivial interface to implement, I'm going to use it in my chainloader but I haven't had the time to look at it yet. from 6by9 The firmware is more than just the bootloader as it also provides the access to the bits of the SoC that Broadcom have chosen not to publish the docs for - things like the codec blocks, ISP, HVS, pixel valves, etc. Parts of that are being opened up via Eric Anholt's works but only in so far as his driver uses the blocks, but the documentatio

MIPS Creator Ci20

kodi introduction and elinux SoC: Ingenic JZ4780 camera seems working Camera module is using OV5640 , and one of source from AliExpress OS: Debian 7 ( and Android ? ) discussions on HD camera interfacing but it seems only for sale in US only : (

Odroid and OCam

Single Board: Odroid XU4 from South Korea HardKernel SoC: Exynos 5422 Octa OS: Linux Cam: USB3 5M camera. software: open sourced in GitHub This support Google Play apps too!!

linaro, 96boards and MIPI-CSI

Linaro: device driver discussion hardware connection spec as of Oct, 2016. Just a few image sensors are supported OV5645: eg from KLT Kailaptech from 16.09 release note: CSI interface with external ISP only, sample driver included for OV5645, with support for the following features: CSI0 or CSI1 on the high speed expansion connector (not both at the same time) streaming from the camera sensor or CSID test generator fixed resolution of 1920×1080 and 8bit packed UYVY format discussion in the forum seems to be in early stage, but at least one camera module is working, and will more to come

MIPI CSI based development kits overview

those image sensors for webcam applications are highly integrated, and can be connected to PC via USB, eg OV7725 vga Sony image sensor interface is using sub-LVDS, sort of bridge circuitry is required to convert to MIPI CSI protocol sensor bridge: Lattice   various solutions, eg  MachXO3    ,$25 Lattice FPGA Mach project IMX219 running on 4 lanes with MachXO3 Xilinx Virtex(very high performance), Zynq(64 bit controller + FPGA) Xilinx appnote Epson S2D13P04 ( details to be added ) btw, HiSense 3516 series are image sensor SoC which encodes videos in H.264 , H.265 formats, not really intended for raw image or videos System level: Cypress EZ-USB CX3, with USB3 interface video intro Denebola development kit from E-Con : eCon e-CAM130_CUTK1 connecting to a Tegra K1 board via 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 interface: Texas Instruments DaVinci imaging processor with Lattice sensor bridge: Raspberry Pi and clones eg banan

things to do after installation of Ubuntu 16.04

add chinese language input use ibus pinyinjoe import firefox bookmark from bookmarkbackups askubuntu addblock plus addon to firefox codecs and fonts sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras details from askubuntu julien kind of strange that totem-player (a.k.a "videos") from ubuntu works/decode better than vlc ?! clamtk Install 'lm-sensors' and 'fancontrol'. There is an excellent set of instructions for doing so here youtube-dl

part 2: comparison of popular astropho image sensors, CMOS

excerpt from excellent blog of Piotr Malinski , planetary cameras and equipment for 2016 and censys3d white paper in longer version CMOS sensors have advanced tremendously recently, and its quantum efficiency and readout noise is as good as, or even surpass,  CCD sensors. CMOS is more affordable. Various manufacturers, especially Sony, has  been launching a vast list of CMOS sensors for low light condition. Their applications in digital cameras, surveillance, and some good for astrophotography too. They have STARVIS and PREGIUS trademark Starvis is a BSI pixel design optimized for surveillance cameras with improved sensitivity and noise reductio n, typical sensitivity of more than 2000mV per 1 μ㎡ (color, F5.6, 1s accumulated conversion), and improved light utilization by including the NIR range. Pregius is global shutter pixel technology for APS CMOS image sensors that use a low-noise CCD structure, and realizes high picture quality. Good for hi speed photogra